October 21, 2009

Blog anniversary... and a giveaway!!

blog anniversary giveaway

I can hardly believe it myself but today is // Between the lines //'s first anniversary. One year, 12 months, 365 days, and with today's post included, 182 posts!! Really, I never thought it would last that long...

So, to celebrate this special day and to say thanks to all of you who kept me going, today, there's a small giveaway, which includes:

- an A5 sketch book
- two cahiers d'écolier SEYES on recycled paper - now that I know what it is, a cahier SEYES, I'm happy to offer you a couple
- 5 postcards, from my Back-to-School series (printed at MOO's - did I tell you yet? MOO is great!) with matching black enveloppes
- a little card board binder, to keep the postcards and envelopes in

All you need to do, is leave a comment with what you liked most on this blog, what you'd like to see more of (or less), which one was your favorite post over the past year,... Any comment that can help me improve this blog is welcomed! You can do so until Sunday, October 25th, midnight CET (Paris, that is). The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thank you to ALL OF YOU for a year of fun and creativity and for keeping me inspired!!

What a journey it's been... Thanks!