I did make time to take some pictures too, this weekend. I did a "photo shoot" of both of our girls (well, more like two 10 minute sessions of clicking...), experimenting with a black background. Too bad daddy didn't want to have his pictures taken - he'd rather go to the dentist than have himself photographed... The pictures turned out beautifully well, which has more to do with the girls than the photographer! I'm glad I have an "update" on my two not-so-little-ones-anymore!

Also, I continued to make pictures of "things in my kitchen". I actually might print out a couple at some point and put them up in our kitchen. I also came to realize that I *need* a macro-lens. So, suggestions on macro lenses are more than welcome!
See what I mean? In case you might wonder: it's rice (above) and rock salt (below)...

Back to reality now, however, as I have a huge pile of clothes waiting here to get ironed, not to mention everything else that needs to be done... So I'd better get started...
Don't forget to tune in from time to time, as I have a tutorial coming up this week!
But I believe I already mentioned that, didn't I?