This week it will be just the three of us at the dinner table, only one lunch box to prepare, only one drop-off at school and only one pick-up from school, only one kid to take to gym class, only one girl to tell to get dressed and get ready in the morning, only one kid to remind to pick-up toys and clothes, only one bedtime story at night,...
M. left this morning with her friends and teacher on "classe verte". She'll be gone for an entire week - for the first time ever. She's never been gone for more than one or two nights in a row. For the first time ever also, little H. will be "enfant unique". M. was pretty relaxed about the whole thing, until last night that is, when - just for a split second - she gave in to her little worries and fear, about not being with us, about being away from home for so long. She shed a few tears: "Parfois, je me sens tellement petit dans ce grand monde...", is what she said.
I took her to the station early this morning (we/ I(?) decided I would go and K. would stay with H. so at least little H. would have a decent night of sleep). Although a friend had urged me to come with her in the taxi she'd ordered, I decided to take the metro, so I could spend these last couple of minutes with my little girl. A decision I almost regretted when they announced technical problems on our particular line as soon as we arrived at the metro station. But we made it. M. was quiet, so was I, though I tried to break the silence with a little bit of silliness. That soon changed when she saw her best friend arrive at the station and they ran into each others arms. Then I knew she would be all right.
No tears, just a brave little girl waving goodbye...
I, I bit my lip...

Back home, I found little H. in the couch and she started crying as soon as she saw me (she also has a bad cold, which made her look even more miserable): "M. me manques déjà...". Although there's a three year age gap between the two of them and they do quarrel from time to time, they're really, really close. Last week, after reading this cute little story "La provision de bisous de ZOU" about a little zebra leaving home for the very first time - coincidentally this month's book of the book program we subscribed her to - H. insisted on making a little surprise box for her big sister with little (phonetic) notes and lots of kisses in it. We tucked it in M.'s suitcase, so she would find it upon arrival. It was our little secret...

So, my dear little M., we'll miss you, and maybe you'll miss us too. But on Saturday, you'll be back, with lots of stuff to tell or little secrets you'll prefer not to share.
Have a wonderful week, my dearest little M. ...
Have a wonderful week, my little girl!