I haven't been very productive lately - blog-wise I mean. Didn't have time to check on my favorite blogs, nor to think about a "blogging-plan" for summer. Things have been crazy here the last couple of weeks (I've mentioned that a couple of times already, haven't I?). Hectic, really, with all the end-of-school-year activities, the birthday party galore and two girls getting sick! Tomorrow is their last day of school. And I'm SO not done with all the things I had planned for.
I did finish one of the two pull-up curtains last Friday (des stores bateaux, as they're called here), though. I might show some pictures later. Number two is all cut, and just needs to get "assembled" - Tuesday?
I haven't done any of the paperwork yet, nor did I finish planning Helena's birthday party - the "save-the-date" is the only part taken care of.
But in between the rushing, I found the time to take pictures of these beautiful flowers. I have no idea what they're called - but find them really interesting. Did you see the heart? Some of the buds at the center have opened now. So beautiful!!
The metamorphosis...

So, what are your blogging plans for summer? Just curious to know...