Here are some of the bits and pieces we came across on our way - a slightly different view of Paris... (click on picture to get directed to Flickr for a larger view)

From left to right: 1. old fuse box, looks like the perfect spot for a bird nest - 2. liked the curve of these staires and the orange blinds in the back - 3. little H. and Flat Stanley on Pont Bir Hakeim - 4. the rattling sound of these blue metal blinds, caused by the wind, scared the hell out of little H. - 5. litter all over the place a not so unusual sight in Paris, unfortunately - 6. ever lost a bike in Paris? go check there. some parts might have gone missing, though - 7. "It's too bloody cold to dive for food..." - 8. Liked this window of one of the boats on the Seine: the boat themed curtains, the little canoes and Mickey Mouse, cheerful as always...