This post is all about light...
About how it won't take us long to take all the light fixtures down in our apartment for the simple reason there ain't any. Bare light bulbs is what we have, with a few exceptions, even after close to four years. And you know what? I think I like our bare light bulbs...
This post is also about how I broke my right foot's little toe Thursday night, because I didn't want to turn on the light so I wouldn't wake up the kids. However, I forgot about the stack of boxes (still folded and empty) in our hall way and the rest you can guess. I packed my foot with ice after applying some arnica and went to bed hoping that it would feel better in the morning. It didn't. My timing couldn't be any better. Oh well, I guess I'll survive - the doctor said I still could do everything (except for the marathon on Sunday - but that wasn't in my planning anyway), it only would hurt the first couple of days. When I left the orthopedist's office an old couple was on their way in - the old man, slightly bended and walking with a cane, looked at me while I wobbled out and joked to his wife how people were all alike when entering that building - we both started laughing out loud... and right he was...
If only I would have turned on the light last night, I thought...