We had lovely weather all week and were hopeful for this weekend. Yes, they did announce rain for today - but they often get it wrong, we thought. Well, not this time.
When we woke up this morning, it was raining and gray, cold even. There went our birthday party plans. No "jardin d'acclimatation" or picnic this afternoon. We had to turn to plan B. Except, there wasn't a plan B! The only thing I could come up with was "the movies". But which one? The only one we could find playing right now was "Night at the museum 2". "Let's go see that one, mom!", M. said - she wouldn't let the rain ruin her party! I spend the next half an hour or so on the phone calling all the friends' parents to let them know about the change of plans. Some girls already saw the movie, but didn't mind to see it again. One problem solved! And only a couple of hours left to get everything else organized for - good thing I cleaned the apartment the day before! I had the hardest time finding M.'s favorite chocolate cake, but eventually did. Everything got ready in time and it was a fun party. Really fun!
The nine (!) girls went completely crazy with the over sized confetti we'd used to decorate the table and apartment - sticking it with tape to their noses and cheeks, making glasses with it. And from one thing came the other: they disappeared in the bathroom and had lots of fun creating crazy hairdo's. Looking for some great party ideas for nine year old girls? Confetti and clips, elastics, headbands... found in the bathroom, is all you need.
After the cake and kid's champagne we headed to the movie theater under loud singing - they sang the entire repertoire from the "classes vertes" - a young woman crossing us on the street even started to sing with them. Cheerful, happy girls!
I didn't expect too much of the movie myself, but it turned out to be pretty OK. There were a couple of scenes which I found really good, actually (the scene with the paintings - clever!). And to my surprise: Ben Stiller's French is really good! - Yes, you guessed it, movies are still dubbed here...
So, even though the birthday party didn't go completely according to plan we ALL had a great time! To me, it was one of her best parties ever! Relaxed, crazy, not overly organized... just fun, absolutely fun!!
The girls took over the script, and I liked it!
Happy birthday, my sweet M.!!