Of course I couldn't wait until the paint was dry - I peeled of the freezer paper way before the recommended two hours of drying time were over and there... my first fabric design ever! I must say, I was (and still am) quite happy with the result. Not bad for a first attempt! The striped fabric is not as "clean" as the other one, but that's mainly because I used blue painter's tape (another thing I can't seem to find around here) and not freezer paper. I thought it would save me some time, which it certainly did, but the paint leaked underneath a bit. I know better now, for next time. But it still looks OK, I believe. The colors in the picture are slightly misleading - the orange being a bit softer in reality than shown here (saturation!! so hard to get it right - didn't feel like doing Photoshop, though).
Now, what did I do with it, you're wondering? Well, I used it to make a message board for M.'s birthday, next Sunday. (I need to make sure she doesn't check in on my blog - not until Sunday, M.!)

I think it turned out pretty well. She'd been asking for something like that a couple of times recently, as she's trying to get her room organized a bit more to her own taste - little girls growing up... I hope she won't mind the bold colors I chose... But I'm pretty sure she'll like the pockets and the little hooks...
As I found this a really fun project to do, I might come back to it into more detail later (tutorial, maybe?).
But for now, I leave you with just a picture...
Have a good one!