Two more weeks and school's over... I can hardly believe it. The year just flew by.
And there are still so many things to be done before school ends - in between the "spectacles", end-of-year events, birthday parties and the last field trips. And it looks like poor little H. might have to miss her field trip tomorrow, as she came down with a fever this afternoon. She seemed really tired today - needed a morning nap even (so not her!). I blamed it to a lack of sleep because of last night's "fête de la résidence" we all went to and where the kid's played way past there usual bedtime. I should have known better... This afternoon she fell asleep on a play date - I went to pick her up right away and by the time I got there she was awake but felt really hot... Poor little thing! We'll see tomorrow morning how she's doing...
Anyway, today I wrote down my to-do list for the next two weeks (I just noticed I already forgot a couple of things). I can't remember where exactly I found the link to this index card generator - I only bookmarked the card generator and you can find it here. It doesn't really help in making the list shorter but it sure looks a lot nicer on a cute old card like this...
The first thing, however, on my to-do list right now, is make sure little H. feels better soon! And then we'll see about the rest!