January 19, 2010


From left to right: Hand sanitizer - we used plenty of it lately; a vintage clothes hanger - the colors and print make me long for spring; my new leather jacket - a nice find as it was really cheap and it looks nice with yellow, I thought; M. painting last night.

Could it be I'm struggling with writer's block? Or is it just me hibernating? Not sure. But the last couple of days I find it really hard to sit down and blog. Unlike usually, I don't spend hours in a row on the computer. I'm even way behind with checking my favorite blogs, have plenty of e-mails and comments unanswered still. Sure, K.'s still at home, but it's not that I need to look after him like a baby. He's fine, even without my help. So, that's certainly not it.

I just have the feeling I have nothing to talk about right now. Instead, I want to DO stuff. Sew, make, create, go out and take pictures. There's one problem though: the ideas won't come or when I have ideas I can't seem to structure them. I still need to come up with something to make for my girls for Valentine's day, to name just one thing. Ever since they were little, I have this tradition of making something special for my girls, something personal. Last year, at this time of the year, the ideas just kept coming. That's when I wrote my first tutorials. If I go on like this you won't see a new tutorial any time soon, I'm afraid.

Maybe I'm just putting too much pressure on myself. Blogging is not a competition, is it? And is there a law which states you need to re-invent yourself over and over again? Not that I know of. I'm sure there are plenty of fun crafts and project ideas out there. So, why don't I just start by looking around in blogosphere. Have you come across any fun projects lately or some inspiring sites? Just drop me a line in the comments section!
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