... is the last day of school here. The last weeks just flew by and so many things happened (and other things did not happen...)
M.'s surgery went well last week - her hearing improved dramatically, which made her really happy and us too.
All the 'spectacles', recitals, presentations, ... are behind us and so are most of the birthday parties.
As of Wednesday we can pick up a slower pace - at least for a while. And this will be much appreciated by us all...

The bracelets in the pictures are some of the teacher appreciation gifts we made tonight - the girls picked the beads with care at our favorite beading shop (right before closing time - I'm such a good planner) and I tied the knots. They're easy to make - all you need to know is how to tie a sliding knot. The pictures of the finished bracelets aren't great - I've been having some white balance and exposure issues lately (probably one of the settings on my camera got messed up) but haven't had the time to take a proper look at. But I will have now! As of tomorrow!! Maybe...