Linen, cotton and unbleached molton on the inside.
No pattern to start with - it happened as I went.
I love the dirty yellow, though the fabric was terrible to work with.
I'm in the process right now of hand sewing the binding - every night a little bit, one stitch at a time. I really enjoy this - it's very soothing - so I'm taking it slowly.
I'm still thinking about the quilting - by hand for sure, but not certain about the pattern yet, if any at all. I might go for knotting again...
I never thought making a quilt this size would be such a physical process - after one afternoon on all four piecing layers together my back was all sore.
Though I love the new blanket in the workings, I hope we won't need an extra blanket anytime soon...
So, Summer, can you please come back? We would really, REALLY appreciate it...