L’heure du crime
Minuit. Voici l’heure du crime.
Sortant d’une chambre voisine,
Un homme surgit dans le noir.
Il ôte ses souliers,
S’approche de l’armoire
Sur la pointe des pieds
Et saisit un couteau
Dont l’acier luit, bien aiguisé.
Puis, masquant ses yeux de fouine
Avec un pan de son manteau,
Il pénètre dans la cuisine
Et, d’un seul coup, comme un bourreau
Avant que ne crie la victime,
Ouvre le coeur d’un artichaut.
Maurice Carême
This is one of the poems M. had to study a little while ago. We liked it and she reminded me of it when she saw this artichoke lying on the counter.
But it's actually little H. who made me buy the artichoke, intrigued as she was by this beautiful plant (I believe they're beautiful too, especially the ones with a hint of purple in them - need to find one of those). Though a little early still - the artichoke season runs from June till the end of July here - they've recently shown up in our supermarkets and fruit and vegetable stores. I checked before buying to really make sure it was grown locally (well, in France that is) and it was. So, maybe I'm just wrong about the season...
Now I have a (one!) artichoke sitting on my counter waiting to get cooked and chopped up. The problem is I don't know that many recipes using artichokes except for this one (delicious) pasta dish with lots of olive oil, sundried tomatoes and poultry, of which I'm sure the kids won't like it because of the sundried tomatoes in it. So I think I'll just keep it simple for this one and have the kids taste it right after cooking or steaming with a tiny bit of lemon juice...
But I want to be prepared for the next one ending up in our grocery basket, so if you know of any good artichoke recipes feel free to let me know...
Note: I'm working on another tutorial - I have it all worked out in my mind. I just need to find some time to actually get to my sewing machine. I'll keep you posted...