After a week of rain and cold - I had to wear a sweater and socks again! - we finally got the sun back, yesterday afternoon. Perfect timing, as I had to go out to go get some fabric for a skirt for M. - a skirt she'll be needing for her class' end-of-year spectacle (can't believe it's that time of the year already!). So, I went to the Marché Saint-Pierre (where else), found some fabric (of which I knew right after I paid, it wasn't the right choice for M., but that's a different story) and was happy to see I still had some time left for a stroll through the Montmartre area.
Montmartre is a very touristy place, but after a couple of turns left and right I was almost on my own. I just love that area! I got completely carried away. It's so different from the rest of Paris: the small and narrow streets, the cobble stones, the stairways leading you up and down, the old buildings with their shutters, ... Very poetic, very romantic, very photogenic...
Of course, I had my camera with me and I took the time to make a couple of black and white pictures.
Unfortunately, this wonderful afternoon ended slightly chaotically. On my way back, I got stuck on the metro, because in one of the trains in front of us a passenger got sick and needed medical attention. No way I would make it back in time to pick up the girls from school... Frantically, I started making calls (a good example of my "emergency" cell phone use): both of my girls' schools to let them know I would be late and to ask them to inform the kids, a friend who I thought could take H. out of school when picking up her child, but who I couldn't get hold of because - as it turned out later - she too got stuck somewhere, and K.! Poor K. rushed out of the office, off to pick up the girls.
By the time I got to H.'s school, so did my friend and so did K., all three of us out of breath. I felt so totally embarrassed! So now, when I look at yesterday afternoon's pictures, even though I like them, I feel slightly guilty, because of all the trouble I caused.
One picture less, would probably have made the difference...
Have you gotten yourself into trouble recently? I'd like to know!