October 5, 2009

New lens

My new lens has finally arrived. Early Friday night, after another day of waiting and being stuck at home. And only thanks to the alertness of our "gardien", who caught the delivery service guy on his way out... with the package still under his arm! I wasn't even happy at first when I finally was holding the box, that's how stressful the week had been. I think I'll never order "important" stuff online again. Sure it saved me some money, but given the stress, the endless and numerous phone calls and e-mail messages I sent, it wasn't really worth it.

But now I'm the h a p p y owner of a macro lens! I took some test shots last night. It will take me some time to get used to, but it sure looks promising. The detail you get is just amazing!! I've been photographing everything within reach that fitted in the light box! Like this tiny ball of thin cotton rope.

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